As I've grown in age, I like to think that my wisdom has grown with it. It's like Rachel from Friends once said, when she was trying to get through her ex-fiance's wedding, she wanted to get through the evening with a bit of grace and dignity - I feel that those are two aspects that I try and get through life with. I don't really feel all that graceful or dignified, but this is coming from a very clumsy person... so that is still something that I'm working on. Wisdom, like dignity and grace, is something that I really hope develops with age, kinda like a fine wine.
Something that I am also hoping to develop, is this blog. It's got a new name, and I will be tweaking it so that there's a new look as well, but say hi to 'bexhowells' and goodbye to 'ohkalukalay'. I feel that I've grown up a lot since I turned 25, so this blog will be reflecting that. Reflecting life with all of it's happiness and struggles, but also back to basics with beauty and skincare - two of the things that inspired me to start blogging in the first place. Plus a little bit of lifestyle and interiors thrown in, as who doesn't love a bit of a nose around someone's house? I certainly do. But in my case, it'll just be my room... as you know, or may not know, I'm living the shared rented accommodation life. More on that at a later time however. Just keep an eye out for lots of new wonderful things happening on here at the end of the month.
Talk to you soon, my loves.
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