Saturday, 30 August 2014

Converting to Flickr

A Chateau afternoon

I say converting, there was really no such thing, but I've used Flickr for the first time to store some blog pictures, and you know what, I really like it. It never really occurred to me to host my pictures on a site, but when I read about Brittany from life, set sail saying that's where she stored her's, then it kinda stuck in my mind. It's where some bloggers that I really admire store there's before transferring them onto their blog, so I thought, why not? New things, whilst very exciting, can be very overwhelming, so I casually looked into Flickr before running scared, but now, I joined and uploaded. Gasp. It was actually really simple, so I feel like a slight idiot for shying away from it for a good while, but oh well, I've seen the light. 

I used to just upload my pictures from my laptop onto Blogger, and that was that. Job done, nothing else to concern myself about, but now. Things seem brighter and sharper, which is always an awesome thing, right? Flickr has had its first outing in this post, so I thought I'd introduce it, kinda like it's a casual friend, not a boyfriend or anything. Cough. Awkward. Anyway, I'm quite enjoying Flickr, as well as the fact that you can choose the width of the pictures on your post, it's just a quick rehash of the html code, and boom, it's all sorted. I do quite adore this size, although I foresee larger pictures when I get my blog design done once again, as although this one has served me very well (thanks to the amazing and gorgeous Amy from srslylou for that) I feel like a change is in order. Nothing too serious, just some widening of the blog posts so it can accommodate some laaaarge pictures, because I do love a good bit of detail in my pictures, and I just like to snoop on others. Hehe.

Buds in the Chateau Gardens

So, this is Flickr meeting my blog. What do we think? Thumbs up? Down? Sideways? Let's give it some time, and see what happens. Do you use Flickr, or isn't it your thing? 

The sighing man.


  1. I've never really thought about using flickr to host my blog photos. But it is a very good idea so I may have to look into this :)
    These photos are fab by the way! Vibrant and stunning :)

    Peach Pow XO

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  3. I use flickr to store my photos but not my blog materials (ever since I moved to a self-hosted wordpress site) I love flickr and it's awesome community!

    - Dar


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