Future Home planning is one of my favourite things to do, and with Pinterest, it's easier than ever to create and organise boards for the home of your dreams. My dream homes range from a beachside cottage to a super-sleek full of glass modern home, to one of those really rustic country homes... and let's not even mention the townhouses. Oh dear me *fans self* I think it just shows that what you want can change, and it should, because we as people are constantly developing into who we are, so why can't our taste do the same? There's a part of me that wants wood and earthy tones, but I also want everything to be white and airy... but cosy and snuggly at the same time. See my dilemma? One day, I'll have to decide... but for now, planning my dream homes in my head is one of my favourite day dreams to have.
Recently I've become even more obsessed with pinning on Pinterest, and I really think that's shown in the amount of followers that I've gained. What I gathered from some amazing pinners, is that 'little and often' really applies well when on Pinterest. I'll pin 10-15 images every few hours or so, or whenever I fancy a scroll, and I make sure that my boards are really fun but relevant to the images within it. The two collages are from boards named 'Coffee table and living room dreams' and 'Desk Inspiration', which are proving to be two of my most popular boards - I think everyone just loves the 'Pinterest aesthetic' no matter what the idea of that is, as it changes for different people. I see a lot of marble, copper, white, gold and grey; I think it's gorgeous, absolutely beautiful... but that doesn't appeal to everyone. I like to think that my pins are a reflection of my taste, but I also just love including pins that look like something I never would have thought of.
I see Pinterest pages that are really sleek and really thought out, which is really impressive and amazing to see. Mine aren't really like that, per se, although I do like to arrange my most popular boards so that they sit at the top of my page, and then change the cover image every week or so, just to keep everything looking fresh and exciting. My boards are just what inspires me, and what I want to see - and I think that's the most important tip of all, pin what you want to pin, not what others are doing. I see trends for pastel hair and talon esc nails - both gorgeous trends, but not really my thing. I'll pin a few of those images, but for me, I wouldn't pay enough attention to them to make them entire boards. Create what you love, not what you feel like you should love. (Shameless plug for my Pinterest)

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