Sunday, 23 March 2014

L'oreal True Match Foundation in N1

I am the first to admit, I don't have that much experience with foundations, and although I own about four/five of them, I'm not very adventurous when it comes to base products. I like products that have a medium + coverage, as there is redness and uneven skin tone that needs covering, as well as using the combination of two concealers on top; I like my base to be flawless and well concealed, so imagine the surprise when I took a shine to the sound of L'oreal's True Match Foundation which boats a light to medium coverage, with a glow like property, that's been compared to Giorgio Armani's Luminous Silk Foundation. I can't say anything about the duplicate like quality of the foundation, (this knowledge can be found on Amelia's blog here) but it's been raved about, and I thought I would give it a go.

And I'm certainly glad that I did! It's sheer, but buildable, for when you want more coverage, and I like a good bit of coverage on my cheeks, but fairly light everywhere else, so this is a really great foundation for that. It gives me this glow, and having oily/combination skin - glow usually means oil, and whilst I may think 'Oh my god, I look so shiny', everyone says 'You look really glowy today'... I'm not sure if it's just my reaction to any type of shine (IT MUST ALL BE MATTE) but this foundation has actually allowed my matte foundation o.c.d to take a back seat, and just let me look all glowy. And I really like it. Now, I do use a primer (Witch's Anti-blemish Skin Clearing Primer), it's pretty much an essential with my skin type, and use Soap & Glory's One Heck of a Blot pressed into the skin to allow the foundation to last longer.

You see that blob of foundation? Well, you see what's to the left of it? Looks like nothing, right? Well, that's the foundation blended to perfection. Looks like skin? I know. Now, my hands are very pale, and this allows the blueness of my veins to really standout (currently there is a very purpley-blue one) on my left hand, but this foundation covered it with no qualms at all. I use the shade N1, and you can find your shade here, although they did tell me I was a N3 on the online shade range; so I wouldn't fully heed their advice, just take it into account, but don't be afraid to swatch in store - you know your colouring better than they do. 

Wear wise, this foundation does last for a good eight hours, with minor touch-up's in between (like a gentle powdering of the nose etc) and the glow it gives, lasts all day - so much so, that I sometimes hate to remove it at the end of the night, as no longer will I have that lovely, even glow. Being very pale, and having that wonderful glow usually associated with having a tan, is a lovely feeling, and it made me feel a bit more confident, as although i'm by far one of the palest people in my place of work, when I stand next to a tanned person, I don't feel like my skin isn't glowing, like theirs do (if that makes any sense). I just look glowy and I like it. Did I mention that my mum has stolen this foundation and claimed it as her own?

Let's talk about another skin type. My mum's. She has mature, dry skin, and this foundation makes her skin look so good. Now, she has really good skin anyway (and she's totally my inspiration for looking after my skin) but this makes her look glowy, and when combined with a Bourjois Cream Blush (also mine) she feels, and looks really good. It's definitely something I would recommend, not only for younger skin, but for mature skin as well, as who doesn't like a bit of glow?

What do you think of this foundation? Is it something that you like the sound of? xx


  1. Definitely gonna try this out, it sounds lovely!

    Nicola xx

    1. It's really gorgeous, and when worked into the skin, it's dewy and so glowy <3 Hope you love it as much as I do (:


  2. I've been wanting to try this forever and I just wanna run down and get it now! I have really dry skin so it'd be great for me I hope!

    Kat B | Katience

    1. I really hope that it will be (: My mum has dry skin, and she adores it so much, I had to buy her, her own because she kept stealing mine! hehe.



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