Friday, 1 May 2015

£15 and under: Zoeva 103 Defined Buffer Foundation Brush and 227 Soft Definer Vegan Eyeshadow Brush

Zoeva Foundation and Eyeshadow Brush

Just a quick little post to mention two makeup brushes that are rocking my world right now, and they're both from the amazing Zoeva, which I purchased from BeautyBay (here) as they do a massive range of makeup, skincare and accessories; I happened to buy the foundation brush when I had a discount code, but these brushes are so inexpensive that a discount code isn't really needed if you want to buy a few to test them out (and I so think that you should). Not only are they amazing quality,  but they blend makeup so seamlessly - basically everything you'd want from a brand of makeup brushes. Zoeva are a relatively new brand to me, but I'd heard a lot about them through the blogger grapevine, so finally getting the guts to order one was a great moment for me.

My first brush was the 227 Vegan Soft Definer Eyeshadow Brush (£6.95, here) and I was so delighted to find that it was as soft and lovely as I had hoped; not only that, but it blends like a dream regardless of whether the eyeshadow is powder of cream, so for me, it's an essential brush for either applying shadow or blending out to create a soft, dreamy look. It's all about the blending, I tell ya. There were numerous brushes for eyeshadow, but this was the one that stood out the most, I think because it reminds me of the shape of a Mac 217, which sells for £19 - so, one Mac brush, or two/three brushes that look exactly like it but are by a lesser known brand? I know the Mac bristles are slightly denser and a little bit stiffer, but this in terms of colour payoff as well as the fluffy, vegan bristles makes the Zoeva 227 a much better and more affordable option for me, as well as others who don't have the heart, or the courage to spend £19 on an eyeshadow brush. 

And then there was the brush that would go on to replace my love of the Real Techniques brushes, and that's the 103 Defined Buffer Brush (£11.50, here) which just blends foundation so well, especially in the inner corners of the eyes which for me are very dark due to the blue/purple circles I get. It gives a very natural finish to the skin, not only with a lighter coverage foundation but even with a more full on coverage it still makes the skin look like skin, not like a mask. I think some brushes can make foundation look quite harsh, and even possibly leave lines on the face - but this blends so well, as I buff the foundation into skin using circular motions which not only blends but gives a much better coverage than doing it in lines. I also find that using circular motions increases the blood flow in my face, which causes a bit of glow and I'm all for a bit of glow, even through makeup - just means I get to apply less highlighter. Have you tried any Zoeva makeup brushes? Or do you have your eye on any of them? I cannot count how many brushes I feel like I need from them. 


1 comment

  1. I definitely want to try this eye shadow brush. It seems like a great buy and it looks like it would blend the shadows very well! - Ashley


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