Wednesday, 21 August 2013

Bits and bobs

Who doesn't love buying stationary? No one, that's who... unless there is someone who doesn't... in that case... hello, minority, hehe. Another pressing question; who doesn't like a good Sharpie? A good Sharpie in a pastel colour? Best pens ever. A Sharpie claims to write on almost anything, and what I find with the pastel equivalent, is that you can still write on most things (it wouldn't stand out as much as the black or red varieties) but my gosh you'd be on trend with all those pastels about nowadays.

My other stationary purchases are heart shaped post-it notes, as who can ever have too many of them? Certainly not me, and who can resist their cute little shape? I think it certainly makes organising work more entertaining, and certainly a lot cuter (:

My two little beauty related products are the Maybelline Baby Lips lip balm in Cherry, which has probably been written about to the moon and back by now, but when I found one, I will admit, I let out a little squeal, as by damn, I wanted one of those bad boys. It smells amazing, like the cherry drop sweets they used to/still do sell. I always loved those sweets (may have to track them down) and I find them to be very moisturising, and they give a lovely reddy pink tint to the lips, which is always a good move by me. The next is the Boots own Tea Tree and Witch Hazel Night Treatment Gel which claims to prevent and fight spots. I'm not sure it prevents them, but i've found that it sure helps to fight them. The tea tree really helps to calm blemishes, and my skin after a long day, and it just smells so natural and good for you, that I tend to slather it on almost every night, and my skin looks bright, while my blemishes look reduced. Which is a win win for me, and for the price, £1.99, when I bought it, who can complain? 

The last two purchases were just something a little cute that I fancied from Claire's Accessorie's, and who am I to resist the Bat Signal? The other necklace which reads 'KAPOW!' is another little whimsical necklace, that I will admit, was an impulse buy, but I really really love it. It packs a punch, and reminds me of the comics I used to read that would proclaim 'MINT!' and 'POW!' while the superhero punched or hit a villain. Ah, fond memories.

What little purchases have you made recently? Anything that you're really impressed with?



  1. Must say the boots own tea tree and witch hazel treatment gel is amazing!! I got in free with my boots card promotions and I'll definitely be buying again. Im glad ive found someone who loves it as much as me, ive just followed x

    1. It's amazing, isn't it? I think it's so calming and yay! Thank you so much sweetie (:

      I'm going to follow you right now <3



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