Wednesday, 8 January 2014

Week #1: My week in one picture.

My life has been a mix of craziness, work and sleep recently, so much so, that any form of blogging has taken a rather significant backseat to everything else. December and the start of January, for those of us who work in retail, will be fully aware of how completely insane the shops are… actually, if you're a shopper, then you probably have a pretty good idea as well. Insane. 

Anywho, happy New Year to my lovely readers, and I hope that you all had a wonderful holiday away from the hustle and bustle of work. I enjoyed my few days off, which were primarily spent sleeping and eating (ahhh food) but over the past week, with a lack of internet, I've spent the majority of my free time writing down blog ideas in my blogging journal, taking pictures (this lack of light is so very annoying) and practicing something entirely new: Calligraphy. I follow some fabulous calligraphers on Instagram, and i'm always so envious of their elegant and creative skills, so I decided to give it a go. With one nib, and one pot of ink, I got started. I finished with ink stained fingers but with a massive smile, as I love a bit of creativity. 

Makeup and skincare wise, this week, actually, this entire month has been riddled with dry skin (I'm going to blame the central heating… but turn it off? Goodness no, do you want me to freeze?) so I've been smothering The Body Shop's Shea Body Butter on, and using lots of moisturising serums on my face, but even then, it's still dry. And what's winter without dark circles under your eyes, or is that just me? It's a pale skin and dark circle scenario, so long lasting creamy concealer is the way to go, and Seventeen's offering in the lightest colour is saving me from looking like a zombie, that, combined with a subtle berry matte lip from MUA is my go to look right now, whether in work, or chilling at home. 

This week also brought me a new experience, and that was a first date. A first date in week number one, quite fitting really. It was a lovely day, good food, good film (Anchorman 2) and good conversation, let's not forget that it was a pretty great skin day too, so all in all, successful date. Five days later, with no sign of communication or a second date, I am nonetheless still positive, as after the end of a four year relationship, first dates will come and go, some well, and some probably not so well. But it's something to look forward to, yes?

How has your week been? Anything exciting happen in the first week of January?



  1. Lovely picture! Happy New Year!

    Stephanie (@hopefreedomlove)

    1. Thank you lovely <3 Happy New Year to you too! Hope you're having a fab one so far (:

      <3 xx

  2. Lovely blog post! Great to hear you sound so positive and I love my berry lips also courtesy of MUA, style transformation

    1. Awe, thank you sweetie <3 I think positivity is a good way to start the new year (: They're gorgeous aren't they? Gotta love MUA at the moment <3 xx


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