Wednesday, 13 April 2016

Jurlique Rosewater Balancing Mist Intense - Deluxe Edition

Jurlique Rosewater Deluxe Edition Spritz

After three... one... two... three... *dreamy sigh*. That's basically my response to anything Jurlique related. Beautiful products encased in beautiful packaging, so what is there not to love? As you'll all know, I'm a huge huge huuuuuuge fan of Jurlique, as everything they do just agrees with my skin. With natural products I feel like my skin just breathes a happy sigh and it's no different with this Rosewater Balancing Mist Intense*. I have about four bottles of the regular Rosewater Balancing Mist but this is different. It's an intense hit of hydration, and something I cannot get enough of right now, with the weather heating up (or trying to). Whether sat writing a blog post, or in bed watching Netflix, or even after I've taken my makeup off, a spritz of a rosewater mist is always the answer to feeling refreshed and my skin looking just the same. 

With an exclusive blend of 'potent rose extracts' this mist is designed to deeply hydrate and restore the skin. It's everything I want for my skin as it's so damn dry right now... I need to do more for it, than just blame the changing weather. And as much as I do love talking about the weather (British and all) I've decided to keep spritzing myself and upping my water intake... this dry skin is going to have to put up a good fight against all these hydrating elements. I totally recommend this spritz or one of the regular Rosewater Balancing Mists for your skincare routine, as it's such a refreshing addition to my skincare routine, plus the bottles are so darn cute! Look at this peachy ombre bottle! It's a big bottle, but one that takes pride of place on my dressing table next to all of my skincare. It sits so nicely, dwarfing almost all of the other bottles with it's Spring esc beauty. Plus it's for a really good cause!

Jurlique are donating 5% of the profits of this Intense bottle to the Jurlique 'Ideas of Beauty Fund' which helps to support charities that help people and nature, to bloom. The Money raised by the fund is to be used to improve quality of life and make the world a more beautiful place to live in (x). I love this! I think it's such a fantastic idea to not only help people and nature, but to combine both and aid the world in being more beautiful. I think all of us want the world to be a more peaceful place of beauty, and by purchasing an item that you already need (because let's face it, this product is needed) you're helping the world. That is a fantastic reason. It not only helps others, but helps your skin too. This Jurlique Rosewater Balancing Mist Intense is £45 and available from Jurlique and LookFantastic

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Jurlique Rosewater Deluxe Edition Spritz


  1. This looks amazing! I really want one now haha

    T x

  2. Okay, so I cannot justify spending that amount on a face mist but this is literally the perfect product for me. It looks like "rosewater gold" in that bottle. So beautiful! I'm adding it to my wishlist! :)


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