Wednesday, 15 June 2016

Five workout tips for people who don't really workout.

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Yeah, I'm not really a gym goer. I find everything about it intimidating. The lights, the machines... the fact that men are always, always there... and that I've never really been one to workout. Would they judge me? Would they jeer and laugh? 
        The answer to that is basically no. They don't care. All they care about is working out, staying hydrated, and trying not to look like a red faced, sweaty mess when they're done on the cross-fit machine. They don't care... and you shouldn't either, so here are some tips that I've picked up on my workout journey.

1. Start slow and work your way up.

There is no point in running flat out for two miles, almost throwing up, and then not being able to get up the next day. What's the point of that? It's best to start slow. Go for a jog, or better yet, a power walk. Getting your body used to a faster form of exercise than running is what will build up your endurance. Running and running and running, when you're not used to it, will only result in injury, pain and a ridiculous amount of crying. Trust me on this one.

2. For the love of god, Stretch!

Believe me, you will feel it the next day if you don't adequately warm up, and cool down your muscles. You might pull something at the start if you haven't done enough stretching, and you'll certainly feel the pain in your muscles the next day if you don't stretch it out. Aching is to be expected, but not being able to walk properly the next few days... yeah, that's not what anyone wants.

3. Embrace the camel toe.

This is what the general consensus was on Twitter, especially from the wonderful Holly, who basically inspired me to not care what people think... as on one of my runs, they're not going to see me for very long anyway. And y'know... if in doubt, wear a longer top, right? But seriously, own it. Everyone gets it, well most women do, because they also have vagina's, and they also work out. So own it!

4. Hydrate.

You don't want to be one of those people gasping for air after exercising, almost falling to the floor, close to throwing up. Nope. I've done that, and have found that yes, pushing myself is something I need, but I know my body and it has limits. It needs to stay hydrated, as not only will I get a raging headache, but I'll feel faint and the next day will be a complete write off. Water is your friend, so make sure that you replace all fluids lost during exercise and make sure you eat. Protein is always amazing after a workout. For me, a banana helps with muscles after a run, and then a quick poached or scrambled egg will be enough to set me up until the next meal. Look after your body and give it the fuel it needs.

5. Get the right equipment.

I'm not talking machines... I'm talking shoes. For me, they're so damn important. As someone who suffers occasionally with a bad back (less now thanks to yoga), proper shoes are an essential tool for keeping you healthy, balanced and supported enough for the workout of your choice. Gym shoes, such as shoes for lifting are different to those specialised for running, but there isn't a real need to have two pairs if you cannot afford them. My running shoes have a shock absorbing sole, which allows me to bounce back, and almost spring myself forward, placing less pressure on my ankles and knees - and my ankles are something I do worry about, since I had an injury concerning it about three years ago. You need to look after yourself, choose what's right, and trust that it will do you well. 

When I say 'tips for people who don't really work out', I mean casual gym goers and those who will go for a light jog around the few streets when you live. I run/jog/walk but also do yoga and various strength exercises with my exercise ball, and cycle on my dad's exercise bike. I'm not a committed gym goer, as I just prefer to go at my own pace, in the little bubble that is my own home. I hope that one day I'll be able to just stroll into the gym and do my own thing, without a care in the world, but until then, I'll just stick to what I know. If you want to start, I've seen some wonderful tutorials on Youtube that can give some wonderful tips and tricks for beginners.



  1. These were really great tips, especially stretching! So many beginners don't know this and it really can cause a lot of problems if you forget. x

  2. I love these tips! I actually dread going to the gym because I don't want people judging me in their minds but I have come to the realisation that they've probably got better things to worry about than my sweaty potato trying to turn into a fit chip regime. I still struggle with staying hydrated though!

    Maz | |


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