Wednesday, 3 June 2015

Lush's Buffy Body Butter, or Buffy the Backside Slayer.

Lush Buffy Backside Slayer 1

BUFFY. Not only is there slaying of vampires, but backsides as well! I know mine could use a good scrub now and again (backside that is, not vampire), so this has answered my prayers. I remember this from when I was a teen, not that I had used it then, but because the name had amused me so much. I think it's actually stuck with me through the years, so when I made a trip to Lush, this bar cheekily jumped into my basket. And then it had even more audacity to make its way into the shower with me... the nerve; but do I regret it? Not at all. It buffed away at my dry, flaky skin leaving softness that felt moisturised and not stripped of any goodness. Buffy so far, was ticking all the boxes. A fter my first scrub, I decided to do a bit of research to see what was actually in it, as I'd honestly forgotten. Buffy Body Butter (£6.50 for 90g, here) is full of ground almonds, rice and aduki beans for buffing away at those pesky dead skin cells, whilst shea butter, cocoa butter and lavender oil soothe and replenish moisture in the skin. It sounds like a winner, and by my standards, it is! It softly exfoliates the skin whilst loading it up with a mixture of oils and butters that leaves my skin feeling so silky, it makes me wonder why I can't use it every day... but alas, too much scrubbing is never a good thing.

After my shower, I pat my skin, very lightly with a towel, so all the goodness seeps into the skin, before applying moisturiser on top, just to make everything super supple and lovely. I definitely recommend patting as gently as you can, just so you don't rub away any of the natural oils/butters from the bar, which at only 90g is lasting very well; I've used it twice (greatly anticipating the third) and can see it lasting for ages and ages. Not only is a good for dry skin, but for those with eczema like myself, I find that not only does it not irritate it, the gentle buffing and drench of moisture actually helps to keep the itching at bay. I also think it's fabulous for getting legs Summer ready, as my shins often get quite scaly, but a quick scrub, followed by a few minutes of letting the product sit on the skin, then rinsing leaves my skin looking so gorgeous and glowy. Followed by a rich moisturiser, it leaves my dry shins velvety smooth and ready to show off under a floaty dress or skirt. This is a bar that I'll definitely be repurchasing, as not only does Buffy slay vampires, but she keeps my skin looking amazing with all natural goodness. Good on you, Buffy! What are your go-to Lush products? 

Lush Buffy Backside Slayer 2


  1. I've used the US version of this product, and it sounds like yours is way better! The one I used was SO rough on my skin. It scratched quite a bit and left me with red marks all over my legs. Not sure if I'm sensitive or what. It definitely lived up to its name, but I think I would go with a more gentle scrub. It did leave my skin feeling very soft afterwards! I'm glad you enjoy this product. Ocean Salt is my favorite LUSH scrub :)

  2. Hahaha what a hilarious name! But it does sounds lovely - I will have to give this a try! : ) xx

    Jessie | allthingsbeautiful-x

  3. Ah, I remember this was in the Christmas sale, I nearly got it but then didn't! I definitely want it now, not often that a review makes me laugh :D

    Lovely Witches


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