Wednesday, 14 May 2014

Marie Claire June featuring Aromatherapy Associates.

I love a good freebie, who doesn't, right? That's why I was very excited when I saw this months Marie Claire with some little mini Aromatherapy Associates included, all for the rather lovely price of £3.90. I've never tried anything from AA before, so this was an opportunity to dip into the wonder of their products (as i've read on countless blogs, apparently their oils are a must have). These little mini's will be zooming away with me on my holiday, where they'll have to contend with everything that France has to throw at me (for one week, at least). I for one, am quite excited. But for those of you who aren't fans of Rose in their products, then these freebies are not going to be your thing.

The little pack of three includes; Triple Rose Renewing Moisturiser, Renewing Rose Cleanser and their Rose Hydrating Face Mask - all of which are started for all skin types, which is brilliant news for those sensitive skinned beauties out there. The Marie Claire itself is always an interesting read, as not only do they discuss fashion (most of which I cannot afford. One day.) and beauty (obviously my favourite section) but issues regarding abortion clinics (that'll be controversial) and holidaying in The Hamptons - so there's an array of hard hitting, and other somewhat amusing articles, as well as the interview featuring the cover star, Elizabeth Olsen (huzzah for Wanda/the Scarlet Witch). Fancy a little read like I did, whilst getting some lovely little products? I think it's totally worth picking this up; this is stepping into a skincare brand without spending a whole load of money, only to find out that you don't like something/doesn't suit your skin. Marie Claire should be available in all supermarkets and newsagents. Mine was picked up from Tesco. Have you had any good freebie's recently? 



  1. This is one fantastic freebie! I love AA! :D


  2. Cant beat a good magazine freebie, and this one is fab. Plus Elizabeth looks stunning!

    Belle ♥
    Mascara & Maltesers


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