Thursday, 12 February 2015

February; the life update and three lists of five things.

alentines Day Female 6

It's just a few days shy of Valentine's Day, and although I'm really not a Valentine's Day person, I'm actually quite looking for to it. Not for the presents or flowers, but because our plan is to stay in, watch Netflix and chill out. It may not be everyone's ideal way of spending the 'most romantic day of the year' together, but I'm looking forward to it. He's excited about it, and that's making me excited. Our first Valentine's Day together, a few days before our seven month anniversary. It's a nice feeling, to have someone to share it with, even though last year I was totally happy spending the day in work, and then at home watching a movie with my parents. I suppose it is what you make of it. I remember I used to get slightly down around this time of year. It's cold, and I didn't have a Valentine. Now that I have one... yeah, it's totally not that big of a deal. Even if I didn't have one, I'd be doing exactly what I wanted to - basically, watching Neflix and eating yummy food. 

Although my under eye circles are still just as dark, my skin is looking rather glowy and nice, which is a big plus for me right now. I'm trying to tame my dry skin patches without making my skin too oily, and that's a task. I'm using a combination of two oils, from Sanctuary Spa and Balance Me, as well as three serums: Estee Lauder, Nourish and Jurlique. Don't be afraid to mix stuff together, to layer, as long as they're not too heavy for your skin. I've also been thinking about my upcoming holiday in Marmaris (Turkey) in May. What skincare/makeup/clothes I'm going to take is a bit of a mind boggler at the moment, so at the time, I'm either going to be very organised, or they're be some stressed tweeting going on. Also, I just want to add that I've been thinking a lot about myself recently. I'm irrational and emotional, but I'm also logical and thoughtful. It may seem really odd 'How can you be those four things?' but yeah, I really am. I'm also, happy. I've reconnected to some really wonderful friends of mine - two of them that I was mad at (in a childish way) and y'know what occurred to me? Life is too short, and I'd regret not talking to them, in a few years or so. I was also bought flowers, for the first time in my life, by my boyfriend. They weren't ostentatious or exotic, but I think they just made me realise that he is exactly what I want. He's wonderful, and don't let anyone tell you that Tinder isn't a good place to look for a relationship. Even if it doesn't last, he's still one of the best people I've ever met. 

Five things that have been rocking my month so far. #1 Pretty Little Liars. Watching Netflix has become a new obsession of mine, and I'm almost three seasons in although I only started last week. Obsessed, I tell you. #2 Soaking in my bathtub, without a care in the world. There's something so relaxing about bath oil, bath salts (maybe a bath bomb) and a moisture mask - it's a pamper, but the lazy girl edition. Perfect for after a long day. Throw in a few lit candles, and it's basically a spa (I wish!). #3 Nude, but not quite lipsticks i.e. Bourjois and their fab Rouge Edition lipsticks that don't move for most of the day. I applied one at 8:45 one morning, and it didn't move until I took it off later that night. A minimal touchup was needed around the centre of my lips. But wow. And Peach Club is my colour of choice right now. #4 Water. Dull, yes, I know. But hydration is our friend, so we should all make the effort to drink more water. #5 Face oils and serums. Cold weather and drying air conditioning = patchy, flaky skin, so for me, I slather on my oil and serums at night, because I need all the help I can get. 

Five things that have just caught my attention. The Pitch Perfect 2 trailer which seems so hysterical, I cannot wait to see it! Since hearing it on the radio, Shaggy's 'Wasn't me' (here) has been in my head for days and I am obsessed with it (may have downloaded it from iTunes...). Benefit's Roller Lash Mascara seems to have taken over everyone, but i'm quite unimpressed with it. Didn't hold the curl in my lashes, even after tests - eyelash curler vs none - and both results were quite depressing. Huzzah if it works for you, but I'll be sticking to my Revlon Grow Luscious. Beauty and the Chic has written a really good post about the Roller Lash mascara, and it's basically my views entirely. Amy from the amazing Srslylou does wonderful posts about songs that have inspired her that month, and this month is just as glorious. See the post here. And last but not least, is the fact that Liz Earle has finally made her way onto the Boots website. Yay! Cleanse & Polish and Boots points? Heck yeah. 

Five products that I have my eye on so far this month. Clinique's Take the day off Balm Cleanser (here), Nip & Fab's Glycolic Fix Exfoliating pads (here), Embryolisse's Lait Creme Concentre (here), Trilogy Hydrating Mist Toner (here) and Dior's Diorskin Star foundation (here).


  1. I really want to try 'Peach' by the Library of Fragrance!


  2. We LOVE the post! Such well written; feels like you were reading it to us!
    One Question: Do we need to watch PLL? Serious Make or Break question?



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