Saturday, 5 April 2014

The life update.

This year has been a good one so far; nothing too exciting, or terrible has happened, which is pretty good, as last year was full of horrible things. For those who have read my past few life updates, you'll know what I mean, for those who don't; my grandmother and grandfather died, almost an exact year apart, and my boyfriend and I broke up, after almost four years together. I'm coping well, I like to think. I'm close to passing my driving test, I have good friends who I love a ridiculous amount and my family is pretty great, despite those arguments that happen to every family, i.e. who's doing the dishes, cleaning the floor etc. I'm actually quite happy with where I am in my life right now, and despite only working part time, I make a good little amount of money at the end of the month -  which makes me feel quite independent, despite not making a full time wage.

I'm not dating anyone; mainly because I don't want to, and that works for me. I don't feel ready to date anyone else, or commit to someone else... maybe in a few months, or a year or so? I think with being with someone for so long... I just need time to be by myself, which was a terrifying thought at first, as although I hadn't dated anyone before him, it's like I forgot how to be by myself, as although we weren't always together (long distance) we did constantly talk... until we didn't want to anymore. But I'm happy, and i'm glad that he's moved on - which he has; and he's now dating one of his old friends. My best friends thought I'd burst out into tears, but I just laughed. Is that weird? Maybe it was the worry written over their faces? Or maybe it was the realisation that I didn't actually care, or feel sad regarding him and his new girlfriend? It's still relatively undecided, as to be honest, I don't really think about him any more; which can only be a good thing, right?

I know this isn't very eloquent, or well written, but it's personal, and I thought that I'd write a small update, just so you lovely folks know how i'm doing. But most importantly! How are you guys? I hope you're all doing very well, and that should you ever need someone to talk to... i'm here! You can email me, or tweet me, and we'll chat it out <3 xx



  1. Sending lots of love-last year was obviously awful-I am sure you have a very bright future ahead

    Stacey Expat Make-Up Addict xx

    1. It was a bit rubbish, but I am all for looking ahead to a bright future (: thanks so much for the love <3 xxx

  2. I found your blog through Twitter, and I'm absolutely in love! Everything from the photography, to the lovely style of writing. I'm a new fan, and am looking forward to all your future posts :)

    Ugne (

    1. That's so very kind of you, and I hope that you enjoy everything you read on here <3
      Hope you have a fabulous day <3



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