Saturday, 22 November 2014

Avocado, Sea Salt and Wholegrain Bread

Avocado on toast 1

See that bandwagon over there? I'm jumping on it. But seriously now, how did I not know how good this stuff is?! Avocado... that creamy goodness that is not only good for your insides, but for your skin. It's got fat in it, obviously, but it's the kinda fat that's good for you (at last, right?), high in fibre and has actually been clinically tested to lower cholesterol. That fact I actually looked up, but I knew it was a superfood for a reason. I usually eat it sliced, mashed or chopped and it can be had with basically everything. I've had it on pizza, with pasta, in salad, with any kind of meat; it's the kinda food that just goes with everything, but my favourite snack, is mashed avocado on wholegrain toast with a sprinkling of sea salt and black pepper. Yum

It's filling and good for you, so what's not to love? And if you're in the house, with a few hours or so free, why not indulge in a snack and then rub the inside of the avocado skin on your face? I know it sounds weird, but it's soooo moisturising. Rinse it off with warm water, then smooth on some oil/serum/moisturiser and you're good to go! Quick, simple and you get a snack as well. What's not to love? What do you eat avocado with? Are you a fan of it on toast?


  1. I looove avocado too - mostly as guacomole with some corn chips! It is so so good, I hated avocado for years and then suddenly at about 21 I became obsessed and now I have it constantly! x

    Jasmin Charlotte | UK Lifestyle Blog

  2. I am so obsessed with avocado, I love it with poached eggs.. I recently posted about my love for it to, would love for you to check it out!


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