Wednesday, 5 November 2014

#dontfearthesmear Talking about the Smear Test

Bedside Table 1

I just had my smear test. And it really wasn't that bad. I know there's this massive fear and anxiety related to it ... but to be honest, I'd be more scared of knowing what was going on down there. I mean, at least you know that you're ship shape, and if not, then you know that there are treatments and how you need to proceed. Knowing is definitely better than not knowing in my opinion. But let's talk about the actual test. I hate tests. I'm useless at them. I'm more of a coursework kinda girl. But there is not coursework for this test. All you have to do it pop your jeans/knickers off (I left my mismatched socks on, and we both had a giggle about it) lie back, cover yourself, ankles and knees together before parting your knees and... displaying all to the lovely nurse. Let's be honest here. She'd seen 15 vaginas before mine, and sees about 50 on a daily basis. She will not judge yours. All vaginas are beautiful and think of it this way; she's a medical professional - she knows what she's doing and what she's looking for. 

Smear tests I find, are more awkward than anything else and the build up is scarier than the actual event - so please, please go for your test. Smear tests start at age 20, and then every 3 years after that. My first was at age 20, when I was in uni, and my best friend told me all about it - it's always best to talk about these things with someone beforehand if you're nervous about it. She calmed me down a little bit, but I was still terrified. You never forget your first smear test, because.. it was so silly to work myself up - because the nurse was amazing and friendly, and everything was over within 2 minutes. And it was the same when I popped over to my GP earlier today. The nurse and I had a good laugh together and just so you know (don't giggle when you're actually having the test, ...apparently that's counterproductive and will actually force the instrument (called a speculum) yeah, don't do that) which was something I learnt first hand as we were laughing over my mismatched socks and just how awkward people find these tests. 

Just remember, it's not a test for cancer - its a test to determine the health of your cervix. You can actually read all about it on the NHS website here and I hope that'll put your mind at ease. Please, if you're the age for a smear test, have one. Tweet me, email me, and I'll do my best to put your mind at ease and metaphorically hold your hand. Women that my mum works with haven't had a smear test in 20 years. Stats like that terrify me. Please, go check. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you whenever you go. So if you're scared, let me know - I'll send you encouraging tweets all day. Once you get it out of the way, you'll feel like a weight has been lifted from your shoulders. #dontfearthesmear 



  1. I think the fear definitely comes largely from the association of the test with cancer and the few horror stories that circulate regarding them. I need to bite the bullet and go, and I have seen so many people lately promoting the visit - I think you're doing a great thing!

  2. Am really glad you wrote this especially since my cancer diagnosis in July. This is one of THE most preventable cancers providing you have regular smears-I didnt and look what happened to me.

    Stacey | Expat Make-Up Addict xx

  3. In the UK they don't have smears until 25, it is really important to go though. I had some symptoms and ended up having to go for a smear, colposcopy and biopsy! Thankfully it turned out to be nothing but just a 'delicate cervix' hah.. but still it definitely scared me into going regularly as it is so so preventable especially if they catch any changes early! x

    Jasmin Charlotte | UK Lifestyle Blog

  4. I'm so glad you wrote this post! I had my first smear last year at aged 20 and I was honestly so nervous about it. The nurse was telling me to talk the whole time but I instantly shut up as soon as she began because it was so awkward. But like you said it is over so fast and definitely worth it. I also didn't think it hurt like I thought it would! Anyway I think you being open and posting about this is such a good thing :)

    Laura |


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