Sunday, 10 January 2016

Personal and Blogging goals for 2016

Diptyque Baies and Tubereuse

I didn't realise that I actually wanted to write one of these posts until I stumbled upon one, then another, and then another... it seemed like a fantastic way to set up my goals, both personal and blogging for the upcoming year. I've read wonderful things about other bloggers wanting to improve on photography and start commenting more on fellow blogs, and I totally agree with those goals. I want to not necessarily be the best, but be the best 'me' that I can be, in terms of blogging, and the outreach that comes with it. I'm the first to admit, I read loads and loads of comments, on my blog and others, but I always forget to comment - not sure why; I suppose I'm just greedy. I love reading all of the blog posts, until I'm so tired that I can't read any longer. I consume one post, right after the other, but now, I'm going to try my best to comment as I read, as surely the bloggers in question would like to know that I devoured their posts so happily. 

With photography, I think I've come a long way from when I first started. Yes, it wasn't that atrocious, but still, it wasn't what I wanted. I wanted to be so much better, and I would so often become inspired by other bloggers, especially Helen from thelovecatsinc and Carrie from wishwishwish, just to name a few. They have their own unique style, and that's what I want. I also want to branch out, not necessarily into fashion, as I'm really not that well dressed... but maybe a monthly post on outfits that I'm wearing. So not really a fashion blogger, but more of a casual fashion blogger admirer, who does round up posts - as some things that I wear, I think 'yes!'. Others, I'm just like 'No, this is comfy, but it's not something lots of people should see'. But maybe that's a good thing? Not all bloggers are surely glammed up all the time? Maybe a little casual post now and again... it'll give me an excuse to use the boyfriends photography skills. 

I also want to revamp OKK. I do love my blog and its layout, but as I'm evolving as a blogger, I feel like it should look like it too? I've got so so many ideas on what I want to do, and what I want on my blog, so hopefully I can convey everything and you'll all like it, as much as I do.

Personally, I want to do so much: I want to travel... overcome my travel anxiety, become exposed to more culture, get a new job and move somewhere new. I know where I want to go, it's just getting there that's the problem. I need to be more assertive and confident in my abilities. I always think that being humble and smiley will get me what I want, but it won't. I need to know what I'm worth as a person, and go after what I want: Too many times have I just clammed up in interviews, and spoken about nonsense, but now, I want to prove that the companies that I apply for need me for their positions. That there would be a loss to their whole division, if they were to be without me. It's going to take some work, but I think that I can get there. 


  1. I can definitely relate to these goals! Monthly fashion posts sounds like a really cool idea - looking forward to seeing them!

    Sophie x

  2. Your photography is always on point so I look forward to seeing your improved versions ;) (Though the pics are always amazing to me hehe!) Looking forward to your monthly fashion posts too! :D xx

    Jessie | allthingsbeautiful-x

  3. Awesome goals!! Photography is a big one for me too! I love your photos but I get the whole not really being happy about them. Same boat!

    Love your confidence about getting what you want! You can totally do it!! :) Hope you have an awesome 2016!!


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