Tuesday, 26 January 2016

25 things to do before I'm 25.

I saw FleurDanielle's post on the 25 things she wanted to do before she was 25, and it struck me as something fantastic that I needed to do. I can't believe that I'm going to be 25 in July. It doesn't seem real... more like I'm 21, and just a little bit wiser. So, in reflection of almost being a quarter of a century old... I thought I'd try and write down a few things... just so I can look back, and hopefully have accomplished something. 

1. I want to have a Spa Day. I'm a very tense person, so I think a massage and just some down time would be wonderful.

2. Do more Yoga. I have the mat, the trousers and a sports bra that compressed my chest just enough so that I can do some poses without them knocking me out.

3. I need, need a new job. My current job has been a wonderful growing experience, but now that I've learnt everything that I think I have, it's time to move on. Of course it's terrifying, but I think it's the year to do it.

4. I need to save enough money to move out.

5. I want to travel more. Scotland, Barcelona, Portugal... those are only a trio of places that I desperately want to go, and with some luck, I'll hopefully be crossing off two of those this year. Oooh, and let's not forget the Greek Islands. It's always been a dream of mine to go there.

6. Realise the potential, that I see for my blog and launch a .com version of OKK.

7. Refine my sense of style. Buy key pieces of fashion, so that I'll always have those staples. On the list are a new trench coat, the ultimate black skinny jeans and a jacket that I can throw on with anything.

8. Figure out my skin. Easier said than done, but a girl's gotta try. 

9. Go to more museums. There are museums right on my doorstep, as well as not far from my boyfriend, so I need to make the effort to let more culture into my life.

10. Read 10 books. I used to be such an avid reader. I'd stay awake at night, for hours, just consumed in books. I want to rekindle that passion again.

11. Hit 1500 followers on my Instagram, 1000 on Bloglovin, as well as 2000 on my Pinterest and Twitter. I think I can do it. I just need to knuckle down and let the passion flow freely.

12. Get a blog schedule, and post on certain days. Currently, I just post whenever I want... and if I want to build a steady stream of followers, then I think organising this will be imperative. 

13. Work hard, play hard. The Store Manager in my store, I think, lives by this. She works very hard, but she holidays about 8+ times a year, just the occasional week away here and there, and that is something I aspire to do. Not necessarily travel, but just take time and enjoy myself.

14. Use my Blogging Journal to plan posts, jot down ideas and inspire me into becoming a better blogger.

15. Attend more blogging events.

16. Let go of negativity in my life, and distance myself from those who harbour bring it.

17. Be more adventurous with food. I like to think that I am, but who wants to eat a disappointing meal? Certainly not me. Hopefully when I go to London next month, lots of street food will make it into my belly. Can you say yum?

18. To not be afraid to say what I think/feel. I can be quite closed off, so hopefully I'll make more of an effort to be more honest and forthright.

19. To save, but not be afraid to treat myself. I can only seem to one or the other, so I'm going to try and create a balance.

20. To be a bit more spontaneous. I can be a bit of a stick in the mud on some occasions, so being more free and wild... no time like the present, right?

21. To not be afraid to show my face on my own blog. So, makeup posts should have a more personal edge in the future.

22. To strive and make goals that are accessible to me, and not feel jealous over what others are accomplishing.

23. To have my own space, decorated to how I want it... and styled exactly to what I would like. That hasn't happened since I lived in Uni, and even then I had to live with an odd shade of pink on my walls.

24. To talk to more bloggers, read more blogs and leave more comments. There are so many wonderful people out there, with such creativeness... I just want to spread some love.

25. Lastly, I want to be really happy. Like really happy. If I can find a new job, and somewhere to live that looks good, then I think I'll really be on my way to feeling like I've made something of myself. 


  1. These all sound like brilliant goals, and I share quite a few of them (even though I'm 28 in April, jealous of you XD). Here's hoping 2016 is a fantastic year for you in terms of achievement, health and happiness.


  2. This is a great post! I hope you achieve them all before your birthday :) x



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