It's been tough. Actually, not really, because I've been buying Christmas presents for other people, so I haven't been craving the need to buy makeup and skincare - and I've really been enjoying what I already own. Somethings are new though, but they're for my hair. With the ban on makeup and skincare, I decided to sort my hair out. It's been a complete grease ball recently, which is icky in itself, but second day hair is a no-go, as I basically have to wash it everyday, or every other day, with second day hair being dry shampooed to hell and back. But after stripping all the stuff out, it still wasn't back to normal - Lucky for me, my fellow blogger Katie and I had been invited to Lush in Cardiff for a blogging event, and whilst I was there, a lovely Lush lady took it upon herself to sort my hair out.
I thank that lady for taking a good half an hour out of her day to talk to me about shampoo and conditioner; in the end I walked away with Rehab (£5.50, here), Veganese (£4.50, here) and R&B (£11.50, here), and my goodness are they sorting my hair out. I used this trio almost as soon as I walked through the door after coming back from my two days of blogging events, and my hair was bouncy and soft - the stuff of dreams. It's quite fine, but I have a lot of it, so having it be bouncy and soft is what I always want from my hair - so yay to that! But back to my #beautystoptober: I've had time to get an early start on Christmas presents for my family, friends and boyfriend - I remember last year when I was boyfriend-less and I spent the money I would have spent on a boyfriend, on myself - good times. But you know what? I'm actually really excited about Christmas this year, not that I wasn't last year... or the year before, seriously, I'm so ridiculously festive, I'm the first one to say 'Have a Merry Christmas' in work and the one to bounce excitedly when all the Christmas music starts playing. It's the most wonderful time of the year, after all.
Roll on week #2, and we'll see how my skincare/makeup ban is going. Have you started your Christmas shopping yet? If so, buy anything exciting?
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