Thursday, 5 September 2013

What's in my travel makeup bag

There's a big difference between my makeup bag, and my travel makeup bag. My actual makeup bag should not attempted to be lifted by someone with a bad back, whereas my travel makeup bag is something I carry with me, pretty much every day. It consists of my go to products right now, and i can't do without any of them.

First things first, two Body Shop perfumes that were included in my August Favourites, which can be found here. They are glorious perfumes, and whenever I wear either of them, everyone I pass seems to comment on them and how wonderful they smell. Usually the response when I wear the coconut one is 'Oooh, you smell like a Bounty' I happen to love Bounty's, so this is nothing but a good thing for me. 

I have just realised that most of the products in my travel makeup bag, are in my August Favourites, which I think demonstrates just how much I really do love them. The lipsticks are, from left, No7 in Sultry, Revlon Lip Butter in Tutti Fruitti and No7 lipstick in Coral Rose, which are all wonderful and can be worn either day or night, and can be taken from day to night with very little effort. The Soap and Glory lip balm 'A Great Kisser' is wonderful, and lasts for so long, that three hours later, my lips still feel glossy and delightfully smooth. The No7 lipstick in Sultry is so perfect for A/W, whilst I find the other to be more Summer/Autumn, as I don't know, do people wear coral lipstick in Winter? Perhaps I shall have a to wear it and see (: The lip balm, I can see already, is going to be a staple for the colder months, especially when my hair is tied back, and the wind is whipping at my face. I do love A/W, but chapped lips is one of my most hated experiences of it. 

'One Heck of a Blot' is godly. Oh my god, I think you all know how much I love this product, as I seem to go on and on about it, but my goodness, it is the mattifying powder for me, and without it, my face would be a shiny mess. When I wear it, I just feel so prepared for the day, and feel like I don't need to look in my compact mirror for a touch-up, and for me, as well as for my fellow oily/combination skinned beauty enthusiast, is a very good thing to feel. I suppose it feels like an extra jolt of confidence, and I used to feel so self conscious about my shiny/oily nose.

For another little colour injection, I carry around my Barbara Daly velvet blush in 'English Rose' which is so incredibly creamy and blend able, that I find it to be so very perfect to dab on the cheeks after a long day of work. I find that it takes me from a long day, to a fresh faced look for the night time. When blended, I think it gives a flushed, an almost 'I've just blushed ever so perfectly' look to the cheeks, as it's a lovely soft, rose pink, which I think looks wonderful on pale skin (my skin in ghostly) but also on medium skin tones, a my best friend takes to rummaging through my makeup bag whenever I see her.

In addition, I always try to keep a few hair slides in my bag, for those just in case moments. And my glossy little makeup bag is from ASDA, and I love it. It's wipeable and hardwearing. Everything I want from a travel makeup bag.

What's in your travel makeup bag? What are the essentials that you cannot do without?




  1. Love the make-up bag I need a new one! also the body shop perfumes are lovely!

  2. I loove your makeup bag, it's fabulous ! Great products, but to bad I can't get my hands on soap and glory products :/


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