Tuesday, 14 October 2014

Lush Event Cardiff and Goody Bag

Lush Bag 1

Lush Bag 2

Ah, Lush. Are you with me? If you're a fan, then you know that feeling. That comfortable warmth when you're familiar with a brand and you're there, experiencing new things. It's exciting, but lovely, you know? I remember my first Lush experience. I walked away with a chunk of Honey I washed the Kids and it was amazing, but years later, my interest dimmed over time - but I'd like to thank the blogging community for bringing Lush back into my life. Thank you, my dears. 

They had a rather fabulous Event in Cardiff, and the wonderful Katie from Katiedoesbeauty invited me as her plus one - so off we went, and we even attended a BalanceMe event the night before, which will be up on the blog soon. The Lush store was abuzz with excitement and wonderful girls who were eager to show us everything fabulous that Lush does, which is, y'know, a lot. There were so many brilliant products that I couldn't help but have the widest eyes, trying to take everything in and photograph it all - it was a truly glorious event, those Lush girls sure know how to throw a good party. From Halloween to Christmas treats, Lush had them all - from amazing smells to being covered in glitter, it was a totally new type of event as we all basically photographed everything whilst cooing over the beauty of all the products. Lush totally brings it in terms of colour and excitement with their products. 

Lush Event 1

Lush Event 2

Lush Event 3

I don't think I've ever left an event smelling so wonderful, and completely covered in glitter from the golden pumpkins, which looks so beautiful, (I'd keep it out all year, just to admire) and the Christmas puddings, which I think were putting us all in the festive mood. I think the mood of the entire event was something I enjoyed the most; it was just fun and energetic, something encouraged by the Lush girls, who'd be carrying around big bowls of warm water with bath bombs fizzing away in them, always demonstrating how colourful and bright everything in the shop was. They certainly didn't disappoint. 

I walked away from the event with three cheeky hair purchases, as you know, for me skincare/makeup are off limits - so, why not sort my hair out? With some wonderful advice, some indulgent swatching and very soft feeling skin, I made my way to the tills to do some purchasing, after which I was given a bright pink goody bag, to say thank you for attending. It was an absolute blast, and I couldn't believe that an hour went by so quickly - everything was energetic and bright, which I think sums up Lush quite well, as long as you throw in a few mentions of their policy of no animal testing and all natural products. Walking through Cardiff, toting a few shopping bags and smelling divine, the night was chilly, but Katie and I were still buzzing from the event - and we continued to chat all about it on the way home, even though we were both completely knackered. 

A quick special mention to their face mask area, which was kept on ice (how awesome) to keep everything fresh and cold (keep on scrolling down to the end of the post to see what I mean) with dishes perched on crushed ice, fruit and vegetables placed on top of the face masks, so you know exactly what's in them - so you know right away what to go for, or steer away from. It was pretty much one of the coolest (no pun intended) and most creative ways to store products that I'd ever seen, and it certainly grabbed the attention of most of us at the event. As for my goody bag, I've yet to try out the festive looking Lush Pud, but I'm saving that for a cold evening when I need a good soak - it has tempted me a few times, but I feel like I'm going to need it after a long day in retail in the upcoming weeks. Christmas whilst working retail, you feel me? Also, there was So White shower gel and Candy Mountain Bubble Bar - both of which I have used, so you'll be getting a cheeky little review of those. Keep those eyes pealed. Are there any Lush products that have taken your fancy? I know I've certainly gone back and done some serious Christmas shopping in there. 

Lush Event 4

Lush Event 5

Lush Event 6

Lush Event 6

Lush Event 8

Lush Event 9

Lush Event 10


  1. What a fab goody bag! I'd loving LUSH this Christmas/Bonfire Night/Halloween! So much good stuff!


  2. This gets me too excited for Winter! :-)
    Lovely post and photos!
    www.laurieelle.com xx


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