Tuesday, 8 March 2016

International Women's Day 2016 with Smile Makers.

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Happy International Women's Day folks!  Today is a day where we celebrate women - which we should be doing everyday anyway, but hey, one full day is awesome, right? Feminism is really important to me, and I'm constantly learning about it. I think it's about being honest and listening to other peoples opinions (I mean reasonable opinions, not the opinions of trolls on Twitter, because apparently anyone with an opposable thumb can have a Twitter account these days). I've read what other feminists are saying, and doing... and they're defending what they believe in. I'll admit, I'm really chilled out about a lot of things, but until it was pointed out to me; being reasonable and understanding the opposing point of view (as skewed and awful as it was), was hurting my sisters - my fellow feminists. So no more! I will support my feminist sisters! I thought trying to understand and change opinions was something that I was meant to do - to listen and respond, but trolls don't do that... they don't care about logic, or reason, they want to further their messed up agenda and I'm not going to sit by and say 'Yeah, you're entitled to your own opinion'... because goodness, some people do not deserve to have opinions. People are equal. Regardless of gender, race and religion... we're all the same. When you hurt someone, they're a person... they're not they're religion, or their race, or where they live... you're hurting the person, and that disgusts me. I try never to hurt anyone, like people have hurt me in the past, and cannot fathom as to why people feel joy out of bringing others down. No. Not today and not ever. I may be envious of some of my fellow bloggers, but you know what? That just inspires me, because they put so much effort into getting there. They're trailblazing the way. 

But I don't just want to talk about that today. I want to talk about Smile Makers, and Emma Watson. Hear me out, here! Emma Watson, is basically my age and I feel like I've grown up watching her through Harry Potter, so when she spoke about sexual health and women knowing their own sexuality, I felt like this was a huge step for younger women, and all women actually. I know women who feel ashamed of themselves sexually, and other women who focus solely on the pleasure of men... but I also know women who are so incredibly proud of their sexualities and bodies, and I just wish that they could inspire everyone. I know women who shy away from orgasming entirely, and I totally understand why. It's the unknown and that's frightening. It takes time to build up the courage and confidence to allow yourself to relax and achieve orgasm. So hopefully, this post here will present you with a little more courage, so you can own your sexuality and not be ashamed. For some, orgasm through masterbation is followed by the shame of the act, and what you have achieved. I used to feel that. Like 'How can I do this?'. Well, there's nothing shameful about it. As women we're taught to be quiet, or as my mum used to say 'Ladies were seen and not heard', taught to be reserved and remain modest in terms of clothing and sexuality. Some men could have sex with whomever they liked, and no one would bat an eyelid at them... by ladies? Oh no. Religion and social constructs depict women to be pure of mind, body etc... but in embracing who you are, shouldn't you therefore be allowed to do whatever makes you happy? To do whatever makes you feel confident and proud of your sexuality? Yes, you should. So when I read that Emma Watson was talking about sex, and female orgasm, I felt that this was a huge step forward. A woman in the public eye that's speaking about this, when she's inspired so many already... this is so important. Emma Watson has started a global initiative in her HeforShe campaign, which is fantastic, but still has a lot of growing to do if it''s going to garner support from all feminists - but I am so proud that she's willing to make a change, and talk about these issues which are affecting all of us. 

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One thing that I am very passionate about, is the cause behind Smile Makers: They're inspired by the belief that 'beauty starts with a smile. When you're smiling on the inside, you smile on the outside', and nothing is more beautiful than that! With sleek packaging, and illustrative designs that make them look more like whimsical cartoon characters than vibrators, these two are designed to make you smile. The frenchman* (here) - 'a cunning linguist, he may speak in a foreign tongue, but he sure knows what he's talking about'. He's super flexible and soft, making him a fully waterproof, body-safe addition to anyones collection. The Millionaire* (here) - A classic gentleman, and an all-rounder, he's here to pleasure you like the princess you are. A classic bullet vibrator with perfectly crafted form. They both have four speeds, and are surprisingly quiet if you're living with people that you'd rather not hear any buzzing coming from your room. 

I love the this of this brand - smiling on the inside, means that you smile on the outside... unless you've got bitchface like I have. Believe me, I'm happy... my face just doesn't look it. And you know what else is brilliant about them? They're stocked by Superdrug, so whilst you browse for your perfect lipstick shade, or pick up some painkillers, these little beauties are there to aid you in helping to feel good and radiate confidence. At £29.99, these are sleek, pastel additions to anyones collection, and there's no naughty feeling of sneaking into Ann Summers, nope - these are the vibrators that are marketed openly in the same shop that you can buy tampons and a small bottle of orange juice. There is no shame - and why should there be? Owning your sexuality it up to you, and why should you feel ashamed of that? I think anyone that owns who they are, is amazing, and is an inspiration to me. Sex is a natural thing, so are our bodies, so trust me, getting to know you and what you like, is as natural as breathing. You can read all about Smile Makers through their website - it's a fantastic read. 

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1 comment

  1. YES! Women speaking about their own sexuality/sex life should not be a taboo. The only reason that it is a taboo, or when women feel like they need to use euphemisms for sex related things, is because women are objectified and seen as sex objects that only exist for men's pleasure. Round of applause to you for making this post!

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