Tuesday, 29 March 2016

Nars Deep Throat Blush with Swatch.

Nars Deep Throat Blush 4

Nars Deep Throat Blush 1

Nars Deep Throat Blush 2

Ahhhh Nars. I barely post about it, and then you get two posts less than a week apart - I'm obsessed, I tell you! I think Nars is a good brand to be obsessed with, not from my purse standpoint, but from the fact that all the packaging is on point, and the formulations are brilliant, packing some serious punch with all the colour you'll need. I've been sticking to my Hourglass Ambient Lighting Blush in Dim Infusion as it's just so darn light and glowy, and Deep Throat, whilst not as light (I think i was a bit heavy handed with my first application) is just as luminous - perfect for wear at any time of the year.  It's described as a peachy pink - but more peach than pink, and with a golden shimmer in it, making it a product that combines two of my favourite things, blush and highlighter; but this isn't as harsh or garish as you'd expect a blush-highlight to be. It's really subtle, and allowing that you use the right brush to apply, the powder is very buildable. I used a densely packed Real Techniques brush, and that was the wrong move, as I had to blend it out again, with a softer brush. It was like 'wow blusher' as opposed to 'oooh blusher'. 

It's such a stunning shade. The actual blush is a matte peach with the addition of the shimmer, which I'm not going to lie, is making this dreary day a lot happier than I thought it would be. I love it when makeup products have the ability to brighten my day, and who better than Nars to do it? Yes I do think £23 for a blush is pretty steep, but the pigmentation, packaging and lasting power speaks for itself; all encased in a case that's meant to be shock absorbing, which would minimise breakages and those horrible moments when you realise that such beauty has been shattered into pieces. Those moments just break my heart. I remember my mum shattering one of the pans in my Urban Decay Naked Basics 2 palette, and I almost cried.. because it was just so beautiful (*ugly crying face*). 

I'm a really big fan of this blush, mainly because I love the fact that Nars like to push boundaries with their shade names. Deep Throat is not exception to that rule. Through my research I've discovered that it's been hailed as Orgasm without the pink, and having swatched Orgasm the last time I was at a Nars counter (some time ago that may have been), I totally agree with it. These two blushes tend to be the most 'cult' offerings from Nars and their blush range, and although I haven't really seen that many Nars centric posts on my timeline within the past few months, I still know that it's one of the most revered brands by bloggers, whether they own none, one or twenty products. Nars has that certain je ne sais quoi about it, and I cannot wait to add more to my collection, so I can try and figure out what that appeal is. 

Nars Deep Throat Blush 3

Nars Deep Throat Blush 5

Nars Deep Throat Blush swatch


  1. This shade is so pretty omfg. I have yet to try a NARS product but this is so tempting

    YIGE a blog

  2. Such a gorgeous colour! I've never tried NARS before but I now I think I need this!!

    Shellie Skillen


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