First of all, Boots is like my mothership. I can always find one, no matter what the size is. Give me a small Boots, and I'll still find at least 3 products that I like the look of. This happens a lot, which is brilliant, yet also terrible because I want to buy everything and have a room solely dedicated to makeup, skincare and my face... but that would be too vain. Tooooo vain. Or would it?
1. First reaction.
It's like coming home; a place warm and familiar, backed to the brim with all the things that I love. Now, if they started like a pug petting zoo... it would then have everything that I love. It already has yummy foods, plus really good meal deals - where else can you get a falafel wrap, an innocent smoothie and a protein bar for £3.29? I can breeze past the perfume sections and either revel in the wonderful scents, or make that face (that really horrid smelling reaction face) because someone has sprayed something, and it's ghastly.
2. Marvelling at all the goodies.
Aisles upon aisles of products. There are about 20 types of conditioner that I've never heard of, but you can bet that I'm going to spend a good ten minutes reading about them all, before picking up something new... and hopefully not regretting it. This is how good things happen to arrive in my life, but also how terrible things happen to appear. All of the new releases are always presented so joyfully, making me want to try and buy them alllllll... that's just good marketing skills! When new makeup is released, and I see it looking all pretty, I just go weak at the knees before heading in for a swatch.
3. Becoming lost and overcome by all the products.
This happens to me a lot. I become so overwhelmed. I swatch so many things that I run out of room on my hand and have to start using my arm, and then I can never find tissues. Even if I do, I end up removing a swatch, and then swatching the same product ten minutes later because I've forgotten what it looks like. I end up with a basket, filled to the brim with eyeshadow palettes, lipsticks, body care, nail polishes, makeup brushes, cotton pads, tampons, shampoo, false eyelashes... basically when I go into there, everything that I love goes into the basket. That's not even mentioning all of the wonderful skincare you can get. Like the French Pharmacies have come to Britain in the most accessible way.
4. Trying to remember what I already own, and in what shade.
Anyone else get this? I own so many lipsticks, eyeshadows, palettes and nail polishes, that I have to stand in the aisles of Boots, trying to remember what my makeup storage drawers look like, so I can avoid buying a colour that I already own. Yeah, I can try, but it still happens. Luckily, someone close to me usually gets the duplicate product - lucky them! Believe me, trying to remember what Rimmel lipsticks I own, and in what finish, is no easy feat.
5. Feeling an odd sense of relief and sadness when you get to the tills.
The experience is over. Almost every aisle has had a walk through, now it's time to queue and part with some serious money. The painful part. Handing over my debit card and trying not to cry is my main reaction, before smiling as I get a bag full of goodies, and walking out, swinging my bag for life and swearing to eat nothing but rice/pasta for the rest of the month. Ahhh good times.
I bloomin LOVE Boots and this has made me want to pop in there after work! I love it. So much choice, that I could spend a good few hours in there, I don't even care to admit that! Glad someone else knows my love of that place! :)
I can't even with how much I relate to this post! I'm forever popping into Boots for a sandwich and coming out with three new eyeshadows, two nail polishes and a moisturiser XD