Wednesday, 11 May 2016

Guest Posting for the fabulous Liza Prideaux and a blogger shoutout.

Glowing Makeup

Just wanted to pop a little post up on here and remind you lovely folks that I did a guest post over on Liza's blog, Liza Prideaux, whilst she was busy being a new mammy of two adorable little boys (boy can you imagine how busy she must be with a newborn, and a toddler?) and that you should show her lots and lots of love by following and commenting on her blog <3 My Guest post featuring, you guessed it, loads of Estée Lauder, was posted at the end of April, but 'faking that glow with makeup' is always appropriate, regardless of the time of year. It's available to read here and while you're at it, why not follow the brilliant Liza on Bloglovin? As one of my favourite bloggers, she totally deserves it! 

And whilst I'm at it, why not share some blogger love, right? These accounts are just some of the amazing ones that I cannot be without! 

Firstly we have Helen from thelovecatsinc, who is all kinds of stylish and amazing, on levels that I will never reach - so I always look to her for inspiration with skincare and her snapchat stories give me life! See her bloglovin here. Next we have Carrie from wishwishwish, whose style, character and travels are so inspiring to me, I can't help but fall a little in love every time I see one of her posts. Find her Bloglovin here. Also we have Gemma from missmakeupmagpie, one of my first resources for everything going on in the beauty world. I call her the Queen of Pinterest (with a million followers!!), but she's also one of the loveliest and down to earth bloggers ever! Check out her Bloglovin, and you have to see her Pinterest too! 

Another favourite is Kate from katelavie, who inspires with her envy inducing photography, her interiors style and with the cutest, fluffiest cat named Mouse. She rocks a minimalist style, but not where you're wondering where all of her things are - it's an organised, Pinterest worthy dreaminess, and I cannot wait to take inspiration from her when I have my own home one day. Find her Bloglovin here. With style and wit in abundance, my next favourite is Rosie from rosielondoner, who inspires with her travels, her stunning photography and her even more stunning style. She has the wardrobe I dream of, eats the type of food that I love and has the sass to make her blog a go-to for everything from travelling, to recipes to the best cocktails in London. Follow her Bloglovin here. Hayley from londonbeautyqueen is my go-to for what's going on in the Industry, what products I should and shouldn't be paying attention to; her periscopes are a total inspiration as she says what needs to be said, and addresses the many things that we worry about as bloggers. You need to follow her on Bloglovin

I could go on and on about the bloggers that I love, so I think that once a week I'll be doing a little shoutout. Keep an eye out for a post next wednesday about me sharing the blogger love, and I hope that fellow bloggers will start by doing it too. 

Are you following Ohkalukalay on Bloglovin, Twitter and Instagram? 


1 comment

  1. Ah you've made my day, thank you so so much! You're such a sweetheart xxx


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