Wednesday, 18 May 2016

The flat pack with New Look.

New Look flat lace shoes

I'm obsessed with flat shoes at the moment, and not just any flats, lace up flats. I know that I'm incredible late to the party, as always, but I have to admit, these lace-ups are my go-to for footwear these days, regardless of outfit. It makes me think that one day I'll invest in those beautiful Aquazzura leather lace-ups that some amazing bloggers have, and they'll be a key piece that I'll wear whenever I need a staple shoe choice in my life. Without currently feeling the need to drop a few hundred on shoes, I've just been living and loving my two choices from New Look. One nude, one red - one suede effect, the other a leather effect - therefore both areas are covered, and so are both occasions. With a nude shoe, any outfit can be dressed up or dressed down - such as last night. Imagine those nude lace up points, with relaxed boyfriend jeans, a bronze-brown strappy suede top, a statement blue/white jacket and some gold/rosegold bling, all topped off with a soft grey bag. It was a good look. Casual but smart, perfect for a double date with some fabulous people. 

As for the red pair, they shone when worn with black skinny jeans and a strappy, floaty camisole and a statement scarf - it's a simple, almost minimalist style, but brightened up with a colourful touch or two. I'm a big fan of simple looks. Something I can put on, dress up slightly, and then go. I'll spend more time on my makeup than I will choosing an outfit, and that's the way I've always been, so I don't really expect that to change anytime soon; so I need key pieces that can make an outfit, and these shoes are the perfect mixture of smart, casual and just a little bit dressy (it's the laces).

I think New Look is one of my favourite destinations for shoes, as they're super stylish as well as being super comfortable - and have you seen their clothing right now? It's so amazing I have to stop myself from going in there, just so I don't leave with an entirely new wardrobe. I don't think you understand how hard this is, since I work about five shops away from it - believe me, it takes some serious will power. So, with key pieces in mind for the upcoming Summer months, these are the shoes that i'm lusting after - spot any that are catching your eye? 

This isn't a sponsored post, or even a post with pr items, I just genuinely love New Look shoes. 


  1. I LOVE New Look for shoes also. These lace up flats are gorgeous! xx

  2. Newlook do the best shoes at such a good price, i love the red ones!

  3. I love new look shoes too. I tend to only buy my shoes from new look or primark tbh. I love the red ones!! X

  4. I'm always late to the party too - don't worry!

    Honestly I've never been a massive fan of New Look shoes in the past... But those red lace up pair & the tan sandals look beautiful!

    You've described the red ones 'popping' so beautifully I think I need a pair!

    Becky |


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