Instagram is a brilliant inspirational resource for me, as if you're feeling down and blah about blogging, or photography, then Instagram is the place to go. Thousands upon thousands of bloggers, photographers and designers that have feeds that make you want to delve into their lives, and become their best friend, because they all look so damn wonderful. My Instagram, while not as shiny and well organised as others, is mine, and I love it. (shameless ploy for my page) Other pages that I always find myself checking belong to some fabulous people, and once again, they're bloggers, photographers and designers - in this little series, that I'll be posting monthly, are a collection of some feeds that I've been loving through the month, or just one of the pages I constantly check.
The first page up for discussion, is from Charlotte Olympia, whom I have been obsessed with for years. It's a collection of shoes, bags and lust-worthy everyday pictures that I cannot get enough of. Oh, those shoes.
Next up is Capture by Lucy, which is one of the ultimate forms of inspiration for me, because everything is so beautiful and chic. Her home is one that I would definitely want to own...I might just settle for being considered a best friend, being given a room all my own, and being Lucy's photography assistant.
The Aptmt is a feed of glorious food, enviable homeware and just fabulous things; it's a feed that constantly inspires, and causes a great deal of hunger.
Srslylou, as well as being one of my favourite blogs and bloggers, is a wonderful feed, full of beauty and her general life, including some amazing food. It's ticks all the boxes, for me.

Last, but not least, is the amazing Really Ree, whom I think everyone in the beauty world knows, because she's who I go to for beauty news - always one for the up and coming products that we all need to get. A must follow for beauty addicts.
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