Wednesday, 28 January 2015

The Instagram update at the end of January.

Instagram Update OKK 1

I love Instagram. I reaaaaally, really do. I included a 'What I'm loving on Instagram' post earlier this month (here) with some fabulous accounts that I always look to for inspiration and just for a general nose into their lives. It's one of my favourite social media platforms, because although Twitter is quick and always moving, Instagram is a brilliant documentation of your life - and scrolling back through my 1000+ images, I remember things; feelings and memories that I had forgotten about, and I think that's wonderful. I love 'gramming pictures of makeup and skincare, but also regramming images of homeware and quotes, makeup and fashion - for me, my page is all about inspiration and what I'm adoring at that moment in time. I hope whenever someone looks at it, they'll see what I felt at the time I posted something - whether it was excitement over a new product, me fawning over something beautiful or just loving an image so much, I just had to have it on my page. My Instagram isn't perfect or full of images that are meticulously planned out - they're just of me and what I want to show my followers. Some images happen to be really gorgeous to look at, some are not, but it's mine, and I love it that way. My page, ohkalukalay, can be found here (shameless plug) and don't be afraid to tweet me, or comment your names so I can follow you, as I always love finding new feeds to follow. Are you as Instagram obsessed as me?


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